Vi läser just nu i kemin om olika signal substanser och deras effekter. Idag när jag satt och letade efter nitric oxide och dess effekt hittade jag följande :
Cut flowers
Israeli and Australian researchers discovered that 1 mg of the drug dissolved in a vase of water can extend the shelf life of cut flowers, making them stand up straight for up to a week beyond their natural life span. The drug also slows down plant ripening; tests were done strawberries, legumes, roses, carnations, broccoli, and other perishables. Viagra increases the vase life of the flowers by slowing the breakdown of cGMP by cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase type 5. The Viagra acts on the cGMP in a fashion similar to nitric oxide (which also slows down the ripening process), but was found to be easier to use with cut flowers. { source wikipedia }
Nu vet vi hur alla blomsteraffärer och florister håller blommorna så fina ;) haha
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